Hello, World!

Hello everybody, my name is AJ Whistler, and this is my blog.  On December 9, 2011, I became an owner of my beloved 13-time world champion Green Bay Packers.  I missed my opportunity during the 1997 stock sale, however, I didn't make that mistake twice in 2011.
Christmas 2011
This blog is my journey as an owner of the greatest sports franchise and organization in the world.  It will be kind of a log book of each of the Packers games week in and week out.  I do not plan on doing a whole lot of analysis of the team because I believe there are many Packers blogs already out there who do a great job and those I enjoy reading.

I am looking forward to writing about my passion and love for my favorite sports team.  I've heard some people say to me, "you only own one share and you don't really have any decision making power."  That maybe 'somewhat' true, but I will say this: it's not just about owning a share of the team; it's about having a connection to something you love, care, and put so much of your life into.  I always then ask that person, "what would you give to own a piece of your favorite team?" 

Love for sports is an amazing thing.

Follow me on Twitter: @whistleraj


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